Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog Post 10

teacher and students

The video was enlightening. I never thought about it before but it made me stop and think of how different teaching and educating is. Teaching is not as personal as educating is and that is what I want to do. I decided to become an educator so I could help the future students get an understanding on subjects and not just glide through without really learning.
Our society is not working as hard as we should be to make sure our students understand the curriculum rather than just passing them. I intend to educate my students on the curriculum and anything else needed. I will not be a teacher that only comes to work for a paycheck. I love to see children learning and I love to be the one educating them about different things. I did not decide to get into this profession for anything else except to help children.

This blog post was fun to read. I like how he came up with a solution to the problem of the pencils rather than arguing about it and getting no where. Mr. Johnson discusses how students need to take pencils home to keep the learning process going. Yes, a lot of their parents are poor and they would all rather play games with the pencils but with the parents getting educated also then it will help the students.
The issue was that the SCIIAS believed that taking pencils home lowered their tests scores but the test given was cookie cutter and gave no open freedom for the students. She believed that since the parents did not use pencils in their jobs that they would only play games like hangman and not get any work done. Mr. Johnson simple came up with a plan to educate the parents and decided if they did end up playing games or drawing maybe there was some kind of educational process happening.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

C4T 3

For my C4T I commented on the Quantum Progress. The first post was called "Mindset and breaking the cycle of "I'm not good at science."" Dr. John discussed how students think they are just not good enough in a class, particularly math and science, and they carry that through life. Most of students that believe that they "just can't do science" as said in this post, starts when they are in junior high or high school. I believe it starts in elementary but does not show a lot until then. Dr. John says be believes everyone can do science. I agreed with him on this cycle since I always believed I was no good at it until I went to college. Also on my GED,and ACTs, science was my highest score.
The next post I commented on was called "Improving the TUG of War." This was fun to read and learn different ideas for my future students. He had the students do different experiments. Some wore socks while some didn't, then some were on top of a hill while the others were at the bottom, finally some were standing on grass while the others were on concrete. This taught the students force and friction. He also showed them a video of a real National Tug of War competition. I wish we would have had teachers that was that creative with our learning.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blog Post 9

woman at computer with hammer

My first choice of Mr. McClung's blog to summarize and review on was his 2008-2009 post. His first year of teaching was in Noel, Missouri. Mr.McClung grew a lot through the year with more experience behind him now. One of his quotes is " In order to be effective you have to be able to let your audience drive your instruction." He stated that he become more concerned with what his superiors were thinking rather than his students. I agree with him that young teachers tend to do that in their first year or so since they are so nervous.
Another quote of his I liked was"No lesson is ever perfect. The lesson you teach and the one you plan are always different." I have not had experience where I am actually teaching so I can't say I agree but I will find out how true that is soon I hope. I also hope to follow his advice on always communicating with my coworkers.
He learned that year to not scold the kids for not being perfect to his standards but simply help them up if they don't reach that goal. Something we are learning in this class is to not be scared of technology and that all teachers should have enough knowledge about it to help and our students. Mr.McClung reminds us to listen to our students. That sounds so blunt but it is something I believe teachers forget to do. Finally he states that we should never stop learning. Even though we are the educator it does not mean we can't keep learning ourselves.

My second choice for Mr. McClung's blog was his last post for 2010-2011 school year. This year was a lot of first experiences for him. He was a teacher at the same school for two years in a row,a head coach, coaching cross country, and he taught computer applications. Mr. McClung sounds like it was an exciting year for him.
He talked about trying to please everyone but his students which is who he should have been trying to please first. Students should never get only half of us, if something is happening to you it should not affect how you teach. Mr.McClung reminds us to not let others bring down your optimism of something because no one is the same and not everyone has the same interests.
Mr. McClund states "I would much rather be the person that is an outsider because of my focus on my students than someone that seeks approval from other teachers in my building." I inspire to be that type of teacher. I don't want to follow the crowd to fit in, I'd much rather just concentrate on my students. I struggle with not taking over like on the keyboard metaphor he discussed because I feel like it is just easier for me to do the task. If I become a teacher and do all the work for them then they will never fully learn the material.
His last thought was that teachers should never become comfortable. If they do so they will just have a routine and not be passionate about their work. He has joined committees and other organizations to keep things upbeat to where he does not get boring.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post 8

a world with hands reaching to it.

These were inspiring videos to watch. His dream of integrated technology is something that would bring our learning even more technologically advanced than it is now. People are becoming more comfortable and interested in connecting with other people around the world and sharing ideas. When people discover more, they have dreams of their own for technology and share them for the future.
Learning to write with multimedia is a lot to learn and is growing every day. I believe I am ready to write with multimedia in my classroom. I am not the best at it, nor do I know a whole lot about it. I am willing to learn constantly what I can and apply it now and in my future classrooms. Multimedia is a valuable item of resource in our society and I believe everyone should have an extensive technology background no matter what job they have.
If I constantly try to learn what I can about multimedia and keep my mind fresh on how to use it then yes my students will know how to use it also. Students can only do what they are taught and if I do not teach it to them then I do not expect them to know how. When I become a teacher I plan on teaching my students everything I know and am continuously learning about technology that I can. I want them to have every advantage and resource that I find possible so that they will succeed in all that they do.

Her blog was fun to read and travel through on the links. She used what Mr. Miller was talking about in his "THIS IS HOW WE DREAM" videos. Carly's multimedia use is great in her blog post and is a great example of how to use it. I will look at it often when I need ideas on future work as a student and teacher.

A video that I would like to maybe create or participate in for EDM310 would be about sarcasm and plagiarism. Sarcasm, as Dr. Strange stated, is usually missed by a few students every semester and I think it would be fun to do a funny sketch about it. I would also like to do a video on plagiarism since that is a serious issue for everyone. There was a lot of messages in The Chipper Series that a person could get out but the main message I got was that we should not procrastinate. When we constantly put things off it starts piling up and becomes overwhelming. The EDM310 for Dummies was funny and very true how I feel some times. It is not as bad as when the class first started and I was trying to figure out how to organize myself. I think everyone feels that way when they first start this class but by the end they are completely different.

I agree with the arguments that were presented in this video. I believe that we do need more resources in the classroom rather than just limiting what the student can use in and outside the class. We are living in a world where students are already using blogs and other networking to get information. Teachers should be required to know some level of networking so they can show students how to use the information properly in their school work. If there is something a teacher does not know how to do yet they should have the freedom to research it in the classroom with the student.

Project 12

Project 11

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog Post 7

 Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture

Watching Randy Pausch's teaching methods were great to learn. His lecture had three points: having dreams, helping others with their dreams, and lessons learned. I agreed with him when Dr. Pausch discussed fundamentals and said "Most of what we learn, we learn indirectly." That is a very true statement for everyone I believe. Most of the time we are not "planning" to learn something we just learn it by accident.
He discussed his childhood dreams and how important it is to have your own dreams no matter what it is or what age you are. Dr. Pausch mentioned that he was not great enough to go to the NFL but the most important things he learned was on the football field. People also should help others to achieve their goals. Not everyone can do it alone, they need help.
Dr. Pausch has a program called ETC. It helps students learn without them knowing how much they are actually learning at that moment. For everyone, young and old, that is a great way to learn because some people associate learning with being boring. It does not always have to be that way especially if it is something with technology.
Dr. Keller taught Dr. Pausch something when she brought computer software to middle school. The program was called "Alice". It was not fundamental but she wanted to figure out how she could make it to be. Lessons are learned all the time from all resources we have access too. It could be a friend, student, family, or boss that we learn something from every day. We should all strive to be life long learners.

Project 9b

title="source: Nikita Ladner, Timetoaster"

Project 10

For my PLN I chose to use Symbaloo. I think it is very organized and eye catching for all ages. I plan to constantly expand it. Right now I only have about 20 blocks but I am excited to find other things to add as I learn more about PLN.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

C4T 2

The first blog I commented on of Mr. Spencer was talking about student documentaries. He was getting his students to make some with certain criteria like what topic, how long they have to do it, and if it has any work the teacher has to do with it besides grading it. I told him my opinion was that it was a great idea to use in all subjects in school. It gives them a chance to show their passion and creativity for different subjects. I also told him I hope that I will be able to view his students' projects when they are done.
The second blog I commented on was about the top 10 reasons teachers are punching bags. This was an interesting subject to comment on some issues of being a teacher. I have not been out in the field to really experience what they were talking about but I do have a mother that is a teacher and when she discusses her job it sounds a lot these issues. I also believe that if a teacher does not have the passion for this job and their students then in the end they will not be happy. I feel teaching is my calling and I will overcome any issues there are in the school so I can be there for my students and teach them everything I can.

Blog Post 6

 networking sites

I was not surprised or anything while watching this video. It is very obvious how our society, in a way, needs social networking in every day life. Having this opportunity to have this limitless information in the class for students to learn with is lucky and should be taken advantage of. So as a teacher I will keep up with all the new networking sites and information so my students will benefit from all resources available.
Yes, I do think I am ready to teach in a classroom of networked students. Even though they can get everything they need in a blink of an eye, they need me and all other teachers to show them how to get and use the information. Not knowing how to get all that is available out there will not benefit them and it will be as if we did not have access to the internet. I believe all teachers, no matter what grade they are teaching, should stay on top of all new networking sites.
I like how the video was presented. It got a person's attention because of the topic being presented and the way it was presented. If a podcast is being made on any subject, it should be interesting to keep the audiences' attention and I believe they did. I feel I am now more ready to enter a classroom with networked students than I was before. I would like to start keeping a record of websites a lot of classrooms and teachers use to network so I can use in my future classroom.

This was great to see a student at such a young age making blogs and glogs for school projects. I wish I would have been able to do that in my class when I was in middle and high school. Having students be more responsible for their work than normal is good because they seem more interested in doing the work now that they have more freedom rather than a one way only approach.
I feel her PLE compared to my PLE is very different since she is more experienced with this than I am. I am still learning a lot that other people already know about. I have known about different ways to do things on the internet for projects like her blogs and glogs but have never tried anything until I started this class. I am glad that I am expanding my technology literacy since it will be important in my future classroom.