Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wordle Project #2

About Nikita Ladner
A Little About Me but more fun!

Blog Post 1

  My name is Nikita Ladner and I am 21 years old. I grew up in Moss Point Mississippi and I am currently still living there until I get married December 2011. I decided to attend the University of South Alabama because when I get married in December we will be living in Alabama so it will be closer than the University of Southern Mississippi. I want to become an elementary school teacher because I love children. I feel that I can connect with them and I get joy from seeing children learn. I plan on furthering my career by getting my masters degree and maybe my undergraduate in secondary education but I cannot decide what subjects I would want to teach.
  I have a three year old son named Brody. He is the most important person in my life. I hate that I was a teen mom but I would not take it back for anything. I just transferred this June from MGCCC-JC to USA. I met my fiance in class at MGCCC-JC. I still cannot get over us knowing each other's family our whole life but we didn't meet until we were in college. I love to Kayak and ride my horse Rambo. I have not had much time to do either at the moment though since we are busy getting a place to live before December and school will really take up most of my time the further I get into my degree. I don't complain though because I have to thank God that I am lucky enough to get an education even with a toddler, there are not many young mom's that get this opportunity like I have. I will not blow it and end up never getting my degree.

Before this assignment I have never heard of Randy Pausch. I am glad I watched his video on Time Management because it gave me some ideas on how to manage my time more wisely and instead of cramming everything in at the last minute. He talks about an old saying " if you have to eat a frog just do it do not sit there and look at it and if you have to eat three do not eat the smallest one first." To me it makes since even though it is a funny statement because when I make a to do list the first thing I want to do is the smallest and easiest so by the time I get to the one I have been dreading to do I still put it off. I think if I would start with the hardest or the one I'm not wanting to do then in the end it will be less stressful on me and I will have more time for the other things on my list and for my family.

For my personal use I like the Time Management Exercise article. It gets very specific on how to use and schedule every minute of the day. I use a planner for everything but I do not get specific on all assignments like it suggests to do. The Preparing for Final Exams will be useful when it is final time this semester because I always get swamped studying for all my exams but I plan on using this strategy to organize my study time.

