Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog Post 11

 world with people around it

That was fun to see Mrs. Cassidy's class working on computers at such a young age. I believe her approach to technology is very good since she keeps an open mind to all types in the classroom from blogs and wikis to Nintendo DS. I would definitely use the classroom webpage, blogs, and wikis so parents and administration can keep up with what we are doing and so we can contact others about education.
Some issues I would expect to have are with administration and maybe parents. Mrs.Cassidy said that all the parents she has come in contact with love the idea but you never know how they will react. If I do have an issue with someone not agreeing with us doing the class website, blogs or wikis then I would like to have a conference with them and try to meet each other in the middle with what we are both comfortable with.
Using Mrs. Cassidy's approaches to technology would definitely benefit my class in multiple ways. My students would get to experience learning beyond just books, we could Skype authors or other people that are experts in different areas. They could also learn to look up information using search engines like Wikipedi. I hope to carry all that I have learned and that I will continue to learn about technology into my classroom to better equip my students for the future.


  1. Hi Nikita,
    I really enjoyed reading what you had to say about the interview. I also liked watching what she had to say about the use of technology in classrooms. I can't wait till I start teaching. I plan on definitely using a class blog for my class. I hope to be able to use more than that, but it will depend on what the administration has to say. Great post!

  2. Nikita,
    You are very right that kids need to experience beyond just books! That's what we have been harping on in EDM310! We just don't think about it this literal. There are still people in education who disagree to some extent that we should move beyond traditional "book learning" who would probably find a class like Mrs. Cassidy's threatening to their arguments because her classroom seems to be doing quite well.
    Good post but continue working on your writing because there is always room for improvement for everyone!
